These exciting new, human-powered bicycle billboards carry advertisements that offer a large impact at street level. They can be used effectively as stand alone media, or act as an extension of a larger campaign. They are also a great "green" advertising solution.
Bike displays can travel on streets and sidewalks, and can gain access to areas where larger vehicles would be prohibited. This allows brands to bring their message closer to crowds at sporting events, conventions, trade shows, concerts and entertainment festivals.
They can also be used for general branding purposes to reach audiences in urban areas and around popular tourist destinations. A number of different styles and sizes are available, from traditional pedicabs to dedicated advertising vehicles.
In addition to the displays themselves, the drivers can act as brand ambassadors, wearing branded attire and distributing promotional materials.
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Rimini Street used bike displays—along with other media—to reach event attendees in Orlando, providing free rides, and free water.