Cosí wanted to reach a very specific audience - urban professionals in close proximity to Cosí locations within each city. To make things even more specific, they wanted to reach them as they were heading out to lunch in order to help drive traffic to the closest restaurant. Our solution was a branded scooter advertising and segway team that could circulate around core business districts as workers headed out to lunch.
STRATEGY: Use OOH media to help launch Cosí's new fall menu to an audience of urban professionals in Boston, NY, Philadelphia, Washington DC and Chicago.
TACTICS: Scooter and Segway teams were routed in and around core business districts, and in close proximity to Cosí locations. The teams would target both the stores, and key pedestrian choke points around business areas to catch workers on their way to lunch. Drivers wore branded attire and also functioned as brand ambassadors distributing menus and coupons.
RESULTS: The team distributed well over 50,000 promotional pieces, more than twice the client's targeted amount!